So this
has been kinda a crazy adventure...
first flight from Cleveland was delayed for a couple hours, so I just hung out
in the airport. I was sitting there, reading my scriptures, thinking about
potential ways I could start a conversation with someone, when a man came up to
me and asked if I was a missionary. I responded something
like "yeah! did my scriptures give it away?"
out, he was a return missionary from Madrid, Spain as of 10 years ago. He was
on the same flight to Newark, NJ as me, and was then flying
to Brazil. He was the one who sent you a picture of me! So we talked for a
while. He's working for Sherwin Williams, and is travelling to Sao Paolo I
believe to do some stuff with Oracle Software. So I got to know him pretty
Then a
young guy who I thought was younger than me (turns out he's 19 and finished his
sophomore year at OSU), who asked a question about the flight, and then I
offered the seat next to me. So He (Ross), Brother Mars, and I talked for a
while (Brother Mars and I talking more then he, but anyways). It was his first
international flight (to Germany) and he was by himself, so he was a little
nervous. He's doing something with Technology research over there. At college I
think he kept to himself a lot, worked hard, focusing really mainly on
schoolwork. Which is good :) He seems very bright. So we talked for a
while, I got to know him a little bit, and told him a little about my mission,
just that I was traveling to England for a couple years to teach people my
beliefs and serve. After a while, I felt like I should ask him how familiar he
was with our missions. Knowing I was from BYU, and that it was related with the
church, he said he didn't know much about Mormon Missions. Really his only
exposure was a friend that went to BYU and joined the church. So I said after a
little hesitation, "Fun fact, did you know 'Mormon' is actually a nickname
for our church?" This prompted some discussion, I talked about the Book of
Mormon and how it is a testament of Jesus Christ, like the Bible. And that it's
purpose is to bring people to Christ! I told him, after his asking, that it was
a record of the people in ancient America, and like the prophets in the bible,
records God's dealings with his people. After a little bit, expressing some
curiosity, he asked what was different about our church than other churches. I
talked to him about Joseph Smith, and how he prayed to God after reading James
1:5, wanting an answer to know which of all the churches was true. I talked to
him about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost being seperate, distinct
beings, one in purpose, not in body. I talked about the Plan of
Happiness, where we lived before we came to this earth, where we go after
this life, and Baptism by Immersion. Brother Mars just listened the whole
time, and after we kinda wrapped up talking, gave Ross a sheet of
paper with "" on
it. We then talked for a while about lotsa stuff. Brother Mars
said "make sure he gets a pass-along card before you go." So I
gave him one! It was the one with Christ on the front.

Then I
was reading in the Book of Mormon on my flight in 2 Nephi 29:6-14 which talks
about how God would remember people all over the world. Why should we or anyone
else "murmur" because we "shall receive more of my word?".
"Wherefore I speak the same words unto one nation like unto another. and
when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall
run together also... Wherefore, because that ye have a Bible ye need not
suppose that it contains all my words; neither need ye suppose that I have
caused more to be written.."
It goes
on, but basically the Book of Mormon is great. :)
after getting on my flight, and parting with Brother Mars, we arrived in New
Jersey, to find my flight was delayed. I met up with 3 other Missionaries
(Elder Henry, Elder Jensen, and Sister Fitts). A few other missionaries came,
to total 4 Elders and 4 Sisters. We got to know each other, and then sure
enough, Elder Mars came to our gate! I think he looked up my gate and came over
to say hi. Our flight was originally delayed until 10:20 (from 7:20). Later, he
bought us all pizza! Which was super nice.
story short, our flight kept getting later and later, and then I believe after
12:15, they finally cancelled our flight... So we waited to get our plane
reassigned and got sent to a hotel. I slept on couch cushions on the floor. We
got to the hotel at around "late o'clock." I went to bed I think at
around 5 A.M.... it was a late night!
missed breakfast this morning at the hotel, but the worker at the front desk
was so kind, she asked the chef if he could make us pizzas. She accepted our
meal vouchers from the hotel. So she brought out 3 pizzas, and soda cans for
each of us. We've been blessed with pizza for two days in a row :)
today, our flight leaves later tonight at 7:10 PM (as long as it doesn't get
delayed). We're safe, and happy. I love the Elders and Sisters, it's
kinda fun adventure. We had some really neat opportunities to just talk to
people in the airport about what we're doing, and why we're all dressed up.
There were lots of kind Englanders (with fantastic accents). So that was fun.
getting picked up by a shuttle at about 1:30.
Oh we
called the church travel office to make sure it was ok that we emailed. So this
email is totally fine and within rules :)
camera won't let me connect to the computer because there's no spot for an SD
card, so I can't send pictures (I got this one from a friend, and I'm not sure
if it's too big or not to send).
excited to serve and learn, and am grateful for the scriptures. I've read more
recently than I have in the past and that's been a comfort for me. I'm going to
try and improve my prayers too, to get better at listening for Heavenly Father
and the ways he'll answer me.
all is well in Ohio!
P.S. I
think I'm getting used to being called Elder now
I knew Elder Jensen at BYU, he's great. And I met Elder Ammermon at BYU too.
Great group of guys.