Happy Lunes!
It is a beautiful English day over here in Colchester. The
weather has been nicer recently and I really like it!
Colchester Town Hall, 162 clock tower topped with St. Helena |
Zone conference was on Tuesday! It was super great. I love
President and Sister Stevens MUCHO! They're so inspired, loving, and just flat
out amazing. Being around them makes me want to be better.
Sister Stevens shared "Parable of the Atonement"
by Gordon B Hinckley. It was about a new teacher that set some rules with his
class and a punishment of 10 hits with a stick was affixed to broken rules.
There's a little boy that steals a lunch from a kid, and a bigger kid takes the
punishment for him. The little boy says "I will love you forever" to
the kid who took the hits for him. It was super powerful, and my little synopsis
doesn't do it justice. If you could send me the full story that'd be great mum!
:) <3
President Stevens talked about "The Passion of
Christ", meaning the last week of Christ's life. The Messiah/Christ means
the anointed one. Jesus Christ was anointed as a king (John 12:3) before his
triumphal entry to Jerusalem. Jesus, fulfilling the law of Moses, offered
himself (as the High Priest) as the last blood sacrifice. Super cool.
Something President Stevens said in his closing remarks
sticks out to me; "A mission can be like two people sitting in a meeting;
one can be bored out of his mind while the other is edified." That's so
true! He also talked about how the Saviour was always thinking of others; The
Saviour suffered for our sins in Gethsemane and then, in response to one of
his disciples cutting someone's ear off, the Saviour healed the mans ear. On
the cross, the Saviour was concerned about his mother, and asking his father to
forgive those that crucified Him.
Thank goodness for good leadership! It makes all the
There was a point last week that I prayed for charity, and
the next day I felt the answer to this prayer in a very real way for an Elder
that I was on exchange with! Prayers are answered, 'tis true. I need to pray
for charity more :)
Yesterday I taught Elders Quorum. It was Chapter 5 in the
Howard W. Hunter manual about Joseph Smith and I was asked to tie it into
missionary work and the Europe area plan.
On Saturday I ran a 6:45 mile, and cycled 3.5 miles, and
today I cycled 7 miles in 22:34. I love that we have a gym I can use and I'm
determined to get in shape :) Although, Elder Wright asked members when we
could come over for dinner, so we'll have a lot of dinner appointments... which
is good and fun but it makes it harder for me to get in MAX shape.
I love you all! Have a semana fantastico
Elder Withers
Elder Wright, Brother Bueno, Elder Withers |
Flat cleaning day pics! |