[back row] Elder Withers, Elder Cook and unknown, [kneeling] Elder Rix
some English Culture:
= hood of a car
is a stroller whereas a "pram" is like a baby carriage
Tuesday we met with a woman in Arlsey. She's a kind woman! We were with her for about 2 hours and
15 minutes. We taught heron her back
garden. During the lesson she told us about an experience she had with prayer
where she prayed to find her cart, some birds did something cool in the sky,
and she felt comfort, and she found her cat! In describing another experience,
she described feeling as if a fleece blanket was wrapped around her. Which is a
classic way of describing The Comforter, or The Holy Ghost! It's very neat that
she already has some level of experience and understanding with the
helped a woman in our ward make a fishing net for primary! She gave us apple
juice and biscuits.
(who met me and Elder Cook on 19 June, was baptised on July 12, confirmed on 19
July, and received the Priesthood on 13 September) was presented to the Hitchin
ward to receive a calling as a Young Men's advisor on 27 September! He's a
wonderful lad.
still haven't bought a winter coat...
we are having a zone P-day! We're meeting in St. Albans.
the back of my blue iPod there's a quote by Winston Churchill: "Never,
never, never give up". If we endure in faith, all things will work out for
our good. Back in the good ol' days, Brother Lockwood (a great man in my ward
back home) shared an analogy comparing bison and cows. When there's a storm,
cows will run away from the it. However, the storm eventually catches up to the
slower moving cows, who continue running. By doing so, the cows prolong their
experience in the storm. On the other hand, bison run into the
storm. By doing so, they shorten the time they spend being stormed upon, and
have a better experience than the cows do.
it is with us! If we have a challenge, problem, struggle, or anything we need
to overcome, we shouldn't procrastinate! We should never run away from any sort
of figurative storm, because eventually, it will catch up to us, and we will
merely prolong the time we have to endure it. Instead, we should deal with the
storms of life head on! Full steam. By doing so, the storms will pass much
quicker, and we will be able to spend more time in the sun.
Wednesday, Elder Rix and I went to the 3 week missionary meeting in Hyde Park
chapel. In the time I've been with Elder Rix so far, I feel like I could've
done better job as a trainer and been a better example. But, there's no sense
in dwelling on the past thinking negatively! There's still time left to
improve, and I know the Lord will help me as I try to do my best. Elder Rix is
a good man. He's genuine, earnest, and wants to do the right thing. He's a good
example to me!
Missionary training |
Rix and I taught someone named Andrea for the first time on Wednesday 30
September. She didn't except the invitation to be baptised... YET!
Saturday, elder Rix and I served at the Amos's! I did some painting and
shovelers some dirt into some bags. They fed us lunch! I love the Amos family
so much. Their kids are adorable. We sat with the Amos family for 2 sessions of
general conference on Sunday! #blessed
Rix and I watched general conference in Stevenage. On Saturday we attended the
Saturday AM session (which began at 5PM). On Sunday, we watched Priesthood at
10AM, the Saturday PM session at 1PM, and the Sunday AM session at 5PM.
you all have a wonderful week!
be wise; what can I say more?" (Jacob 6:12)
Elder Rix and Elder Withers |