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Hey there familia. I don't have
much time, since we've been doing transfers all day today. I will tell you what
I can in the group email, and send short individual emails.
Momma you would be proud! I have
a journal entry for each day this past week. Yes! I even told
Sister Stevens, that's how proud I was of my journaling.
Our investigator came to church on sunday.
After sacrament, she went to the chinese class without us. It was like I was a
dad saying goodbye to my daughter as she went to school. They grow up so
After church we were with our investigator.
Somehow, we all ended up doing a shake, initiated by Elder Steuer counting to
3. She also told us that the peace signs aren't as popular in china. She then
showed us the "hang loose" motion and told us that was more
After our tuesday lesson with
her, we walked to the tube station with her. There was a chinese person we
walked by, who found it humorous that I was trying to speak chinese. We stopped
her and told her who we were, and found out she didn't believe in God. I told
her that our friend didn't believe in God 2 weeks ago, and invited our investigator to share why she
believed in God. This was her first street contacting expereience! It was
super cool.
While playing basketball with
our investigator, the game became "give our investigator the ball". She actually improved as
she practiced.
The Ward
It's interesting being in a YSA
ward. We went to a dinner appointment with a group of them at a place in
Ladbroke Grove. As we talked more together, and I got to know people better, it
becoame much more fun. For our spiritual thought, we shared Alma 36:6-7, and
had everyone get out there phones. They looked through their friends list, and
then selected someone who they'd message. While we were there with them, they
messaged something about the gospel.
On Saturday we thought our appointment
wasn't coming to our lesson, but he ended up coming 30 minutes late! A sister
in the VC called us when we were with President in his office to let us know
he came. We found out that our investigator had read up to 1 Nephi 5, and is keeping the
Word of Wisdom.
On Thursday I was on exchange
with Elder Spieser. Before we started street contacting I felt we should walk a
bit away from the tube station to where people are less in a rush. There came a
point where I felt we should stop and say a prayer before we commenced our
finding. We said the prayer, and after "Amen", I went off talking to
people. Elder Speiser wasn't able to join me at that moment because his
magnetic name badge had fallen off. When he bent down to get his badge, a guy
tapped hum on the shoulder and said "I like that" (referring to the
public prayer he saw us offer). Of course, I wasn't there for the beginning
part of the conversation, but eventually I rejoined Elder Spieser in talking to
the man. He's seen religious people out and
about before, and he feels it's a sign. During teh convo, we read from Moroni
10:4-5 with him. When he read "sincere heart" in verse 4, he had a
powerful spiritual experience. He said he "couldn't stop smiling". We
taught him this morning, and it was a great lesson. We will teach him again
next week! He seems very prepared.
Yesterday we played basketball at
the HP chapel with a bunch of investigators/nonmembers. There were 23 people
there in total! It was so fun to play ball again. Our investigator invited one of here
During our weekly planning
companionship inventory, Elder Steuer and I had a great convo regarding
personal study and this is what I gleaned from our conversation
1) prayerfully seek confirmation
from the Lord regarding what topic to study by
2) Have discipline and study for
that topic only while reading the BoM
3) Take time to ponder, ask
questions while reading
After church on sunday, we set up
200+ chairs in preparation for Alex Boye. Both our investigators were able to make
it (one even came in a suit). Alex Boye did more story telling than singing,
but it was still good. He referred to his conversion story, and said that one
sunday he sat in church in the 2nd row, in between the two sister missionaries.
Ironically, Elder Steuer and I sat in the 2nd row with our investigator in between us
during the fireside.
I started a prayer journal using
one of the moleskin notebooks you sent me mom! I know that if I want to be
effective in my leadership assignment, I must receive revelation.
We had interviews with President
and Sister Stevens. I enjoyed both of them thoroughly. Sister Stevens is so consecrated.
She expressed deep gratitude to the Lord for allowing us to be a part of such a
great work, getting a little emotional as she said so. I'm very impressed and
inspired by her. She had me put my name by one of my favourite book of Mormon
scriptures and tell her why I like it. I choose Mosiah 5:13.
I loved being with President
Stevens. I look up to him so much and I aspire to be the kind of leader that he
On Tuesday, we taught our investigator about
the 2nd half of the Plan of Salvation and temples. At one point I was prompted
to relate the lesson to her deceased grandma. As we talked about her and
where she was, I felt the Spirit so strong! More so than any lesson I've
We went to institute with another investigator on
thursday, and it was on the Atonement. I gelt that because of the intense
suffering of our Saviour, he is intensely involved in our lives.
His desires to help, lift, and forgive us are equivalent to the depth of his
suffering. And all we must do is "Look to Him and live".
I hope you enjoyed the juicy
details! Today was really great doing transfers with President and Sister
Stevens. Lots of work left to do!
Love you all!
Elder Withers